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Successful tested in strong wind. The Aeolos Flying Dutchman.


The testing is done. The new FD sails great. The AEOLOS Flying Dutchman has worked fine in strong wind. Now we know, this boat is strong.

Good wind, heavy "3rd eye" conditions and choppy waves. Third clew in the jib. 1-1,5, sometimes 2m waves. Great jumping upwind, sometimes hard slamming. Amazing downwind flying. The Flying Dutchman works very reliable, no failures, easy to handle. The mast provides full power in medium wind, and is nice flexible in heavy wind.

"It feels good. Very good." Hans Genthe has sailed the boat in light air and heavy wind: "I have the impression, that the new boat is more easy to handle compared to my old boat."

What is different: The bow has maximum volume. The middle minimum width. And the stern section is as strait (and full) as possible. Maximum weight concentration at the traveller. The in- and outgoing angles of the longitudinal lines are as flat as possible below the waterline. The measurement was tight. Very tight. Nothing more is possible inside the rules.

Many thanks to the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club for enabling the test in this great conditions. Thanks a lot for the support to the whole DOSC-Team!

Some images of the boat and the new trailer/trolly:

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Tewfick Merad
Tewfick Merad
Apr 19, 2023

Le FD super dériveur , à l'époque olympique , de bons souvenirs à sa barre !🏅




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