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1st place Brassfahrt race.
Photo: Magdalena Hufnagel

Perfect trim
Perfect trimming the boat is the foundation for successful racing.

Good controls needed to handle this huge sailplan.

First reef.

Second reef.

Second reef and cutter jib.

Flying jib.
Works in light air also upwinds.

Cockpit layout optimized for single hand.

Clean deck
All controls and halyards are lead in the cockpit.

Halyards layout.

Carbon mast step.
High load blocks for the halyards.

Carbon mast step.
Prepared for easy mast laying.

Carbon backing haylard leads with high load ball bearing sheaves.

Carbon backing haylard leads with high load ball bearing sheaves.

Milling of Carbon backing halyard sheave boxes.

Protected control centrum.

Protected control centrum.

Jib trim instruments like on a TP52.

Dyneema hanks.

Dyneema hanks.

Adjustable jib tack.
No need to adjust halyard tension to control the luff curve.

Jib tack adjustable.
No need to adjust halyard tension to control the luff curve.

Jib tack adjustment.
No need to adjust halyard tension to control the luff curve.

Jib tack adjustment.
No need to adjust halyard tension to control the luff curve.

Wide 3D jib leads.
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