”Our goal is to produce the best performance yachts in the world,
for us this means achieving the best value for the customer with clean processes throughout the value chain.”
At Aeolos we are addicted to scientific approaches. The basis for every yacht design is market research and competitor analysis to understand customer benefits. We don't want to design boats that fit everyone a little bit. We want to build a boat that is perfect for a specific target group and that can be produced economically.
- Market Research & Competitor Analysis for customer benefits
- virtual reality (VR) for ergonomy
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for speed
- Finite-Elemente-Method (FEM) for strength
- continuous improvement process for value
- Enterprise ressource planning (ERP) based quality management for quality
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for service
AEOLOS Yachts are fully made of carbon/epoxy but offer a unrivalled price/performance ratio due to optimized production processes, skilled/engaged workers and stable business environment. Our team has won lot of race classics, some of them several times: Round Skagen, Round Bornholm, Round Fyn, Kieler Woche (FD), Silverrudder, ... Sailing has taught us a lot about how to improve and work in a team. To be focused. To make plans which become reality.


Our international partner network
- FluidEngineeringSolutions - CFD and velocity prediction www.fluidengineeringsolutions.com
- Vmax Rating optimization www.vmaxyachting.com
- Elvstrøm - Sail and Rating optimization - www.elvstromsails.com
- Solico - composite engineering - www.solico.nl
- I-Yacht - CE Certification - www.i-yacht.de
- Nova Composites - composite production, milling and mould making - www.novacomposites.com
- Notus Composites - Prepreg development and production - www.notuscomposites.com
- Alexseal - high gloss long lasting paint solutions - www.alexseal.com
- Pauger - mast, boom, rigging - www.paugercarbon.com