Two German Flying Dutchman sailors, Shmuel Markhoff and Kilian König, sailed our Prototype 2 days at the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club on the Persian Gulf. Wind conditions from almost zero to 18 knots of wind.

Kilians König feedback to Hans:

Kilian: "Ich war sehr beeindruckt von der Performance von Deinem Aeolos FD. Er ist kompromisslos auf max speed ausgelegt, segelt sich aber dennoch erstaunlich einfach. Er ist super steiff!!! Gleitet super schnell an und geht schön über die Wellen. Der Wasserabriss am Heck sieht super aus. Selbst die Allen Beschläge sind gut, da hatte ich etwas Bedenken. Wir müssen natürlich sehen wie es im Vergleich mit Mader und Planatec ist. Aber ich bin da sehr optimistisch.“

Translation: "I was very impressed by the performance of your Aeolos FD. It is uncompromisingly designed for max speed, but still sails amazingly easy. It is super stiff!!! Is planing super fast and goes nicely over the waves. The water flow at the stern looks great. Even the Allen fittings are good, I had some reservations about that. Of course we have to see how it compares with Mader and Planatec. But I am very optimistic."

Kilian also pushed us to do tests with honeycomb core materials and Epoxy prepregs. Now we finished successful the curing and paint tests of different honeycomb/carbon lamination. The result: We can use the material in the Flying Dutchman and will save further weight in the bow a stern, which is an advantage in waves. We will use this material only in the first 3 meters and last one meter, and not in the crew areas. If you want to have this option, you can order it with a small surcharge.

The honeycomb, painted with black paint, survived in the Dubai heat and direct sun. Still a perfect finish.
FD sailors are very in the details. So they had a lot of suggestions, which we are happy to add in the boat. For example the automatic barberhauler system.

That´s strong ... our FD gybing centreboard is bending the steel table. 5,5kg Carbon. Almost no bending of the centreboard.
We are happy to produce all Parts of Flying Dutchman and Aeolos, also several rudders, keels, booms, masts on order. Some parts like booms and centreboards are on stock.

This rudder pin is best structural connection to the hull. The forces are aligned into the hull on the upper and lower part of the rudder pin, means low bending and far higher breaking load.

The rudder fittings at the hull are made of cCarbon unidirectional fibres and can carry a load of 6t. Together with the rudder a super strong connection and no resistance/better flow.

A simple rudder test. No bending at all. 3kg rudder blade.

Centreboard after the test. Now we apply several layers of clear UV protection AELXSEAL paint, so everyone can see the beauty of the fibres.
What a great sailing machine! Congrats Hans and team. Best regards, Gero