The RORC Rating office wrote in one of their last news: "IRC is continually developed to encompass new developments while at the same time protecting the interests of the current fleet." Since early 2020 we found a lot of chances in IRC Rating rules:
1. weight of keel fins is considered now
2. optimized rating of variable ballast
3. aspect ratio of mainsails
4. new flying headsail measurements
Our conclusion on the changes: If you are sailing a modern, light racing boat below 40 feet you will get a much better rating now. IRC has followed the trend to "Funboat" instead protecting the "weight carrier".
"I had a lot of chats and talks with designers and sailors worldwide." Hans Genthe is trying to figure out what to do with the Aeolos 30 and IRC, "Most of them are expecting, that fast sportboats will become more competitive under IRC, that´s a good trend for the superlight and easy to handle AEOLOS P30."
We made a short summary of the 4 big changes:

1. weight of keel fins
For the Aeolos P30 this is the most important chance. IRC's new freedom of keel fin material allows carbon fins. The IRC technical committee has improved the rating formular for different keel types including a keel aspect ratio. Due to the fact the material and weight of the keel fin is measured, we expect that it´s useless to produce a stainless steel fin and inboard ballast - great news, we hate to do that.

2. Variable ballast The variable (eg. water) ballast formulation is updated, and also the rules around variable and moveable ballast configurations. Variable ballast volume and the maximum list angle must be declared. See IRC 2020 Rule 22.3.
3. Mainsails
The rating of mainsail area has been reviewed; boats with small mainsail widths relative to E may see an increase in rating, means modern high aspect sails are better rated now. Our recommendation: Keep the nice high aspect mainsail on the AEOLOS P30.
4. Flying headsails
IRC has introduced a new definition of a Flying Headsail which encompasses some "Code0" sails that do not measure as a spinnaker. The new rules defining the Flying Headsail relating to the half width/foot ratio, maximum tack point position, no battens or stiffening of the sail and other requirements.

We got this question a lot of times: Why has the Aeolos P30 no IRC Certificate? Here´s the simple answer: We made a request at the RORC at the 31.3. and got the answer one week later, that we have to apply over the IRC office in the country, where the boat is sailing: Rule 8.2 has been updated to clarify that a certificate must be valid for the country in
which the boat is racing.
At the 13.4.2021 we sent the application to DOSC and we are waiting for feedback.
We hope, we can deliver a first IRC number soon.