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Updated: May 9, 2024

The AEOLOS P30 was the reason to start production in the UAE and set up a boat brand, and later a boat yard. Our new facility in the Port of RAS AL KHAIMAH is designed to produce up to 2 boats per month, with a building time of 3 months. It took us one year to find a partner able provide the perfect location with water access. RAK Ports is supporting us heavily, with the intention to grow boat and ship building in the region and develop the CSSB - the Center of Sustainable Ship Building >> Mid of March we were able to sign the final contracts and have started the Move to RAK the day later. No more time to loose. The AEOLOS P30 is designed exactly for this process, with the target to deliver a full carbon boat for a reasonable price. Check out here how we want to do it ...

Two AP 30 in the final stage: Fitting and in the background keel adjustment. The keel of boat No1 will be changed from the lightwind IRC version to the 800kg ORC version, optimized for 12-16 knots of wind.

In the first factory our new yard everything is optimized for a seamless production of the AEOLOS P30 and Flying Dutchman. We are preparing the production of the AEOLOS M20 now also in this factory.

The second factory is almost empty at the moment, but will be optimized for the AEOLOS P45 and AEOLOS M40 production. This month (May 2024) the CNC carpentry with 15 high tech machines will be installed in this space.

To enable a continuous supply, every part until the last screws is integrated in our databased Kanban storage system. It makes accessing items or components stored within semi-open boxes on the shelves simple. Items are much easier to identify and pick in tilted boxes, which will increase workplace productivity significantly as a consequence. Every item is mirrored in our ERP system with image and detailed description and weight. By selecting the boat type in the database the boats bill of material is easy to control in weight and costs.

Every step of the production has it´s dedicated area with all machinery and necessary parts easy accessible to fulfil the phase fast with out interruptions.

After applying the prepregs* in the moulds we cure the boat parts in a high efficient oven, designed for the boat size 18-30 feet to reduce the energy consumption. The heating system made in Germany is state of the art.  * pre impregnated fibres, means the fibres are combined with already mixed resign, more information here >>

In the sanding area trimming and paint preparation becomes a clean process. The climate controlled room provides perfect conditions for this hard work.

With CNC and conventional machinery we are producing our moulds and all kind of yacht fittings. On our turning lathes we can produce round parts, for example bearings up to 2000mm diameter. 3D printing, large format printing and plotting for exact templates is possible in the climate controlled printing and measurement area.

For testing and approval by the client our boats can be launched directly in the front of our factory in RAK Port Harbour Entry. Short distance to the open sea.

Our 10t crane is 20m long and the optimal choice for lifting boats like the AEOLOS P30 or bigger.

Production has started. We have done our best to ensure a smooth process.

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