Nice progress at Nova Composites. We started the milling of the hull. After 6 clients ordered a boat, it is not a hobby, but a business case. For the Flying Dutchman Class it means, that there a new boat yard which offers a prepreg built FD to a nice price/value ration: AEOLOS. The design is pushed to the limits of the class rules. The complete boat is designed in 3D and CAD software. The hull is carefully reproduced based on the 3D data provided by the International Flying Dutchman Class Organization (IFDCFO). We optimized the hull in between the rules.
- Maximum girth/volume in the bow - Maximum width in the transom. - Minimum rocker in the transom section - Minimum width/girth in the mid section
- extreme weight concentration in the center of movement (traveller)
Check the images here:

Rough milling the foam block. Next week the deck will be built behind the hull, then we mill the deck while in front the hull is coated with fiberglass. On top comes tooling paste, a kind of filler, which/that is then finely milled, sanded, painted, polished ...

Detailled planning

Optimized inside the rules

Most work is hull and deck mould.

This Kuka Robot is a nice tool to realize dreams

Foam block layout.

Steel table for the milling.

Milling in progress.
More information about the Flying Dutchman: