Jan Hansen has prepared his boat for racing very well during the winter, and has done his first race. Unfortunately the wind died and none finished in time. Now he is joining the Brassfahrt Regatta in Travemünde, a 100 nm singlehand race.

First race of this year. Photo: Henrik Jørgensen The boat will be in Travemünde the days before and after the races, ready for a demotour. Please contact Jan Hansen if you want to test the boat. Testsailing can be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. The race starts Saturday, 27. of May. Here are Jan´s contact details: https://www.aeoloscomposites.com/denmark

Low wind at the first race in Kopenhagen. Photo: Henrik Jørgensen
Jan Hansen: "Our test boat has now been in the water in Copenhagen for 4 weeks. Some training has been done. You can never be to prepared :-)
We had our first regatta Saturday, 90 boats for a 25 nm course round Øresund. Unfortunately, it was a very calm day. For the first 15 nm we had 5-8 knot tws and then completely calm. Nobody made the finishline inside the time limit.
That said The Beast was very fast, only boats like the Soto 40, X-41, IRC 42, Maxfun 35 and Italia 11.98 was in front us. XP 44, XP33, Sunfast 3600 and similar were left miles behind.
The Beast was sailing doublehanded, all other boats in the start were fully crewed."

New design.

Well prepared for racing.

The rudder is too long for the berth, but easy to lift.

The Beast during ORC measurement.

Huge rope bags.

Storage bags inside.